Influencer is a funny word.
Yes, it’s commonly used, and for the most part people seem to think they know what it means. So why am poking at it? In words and ideas clarity is important; the word Influencer isn’t. Half of my spell checkers don't believe it's an english word.
Influencer is a funny word because at the heart of it, successful influencers are leaders. And like leaders, calling yourself an influencer does not make you one.
To carry the thought further: you're only an influencer in as much as you have followers or people who will and are influenced by you. Leadership is not about the number of people who click a button on a screen and are interested in what you do for their personal amusement, or out of a morbid sense of curiosity as to what you will come up with next. That doesn't make you an Influencer, that makes you an Entertainer.
Actual Influencers (Leaders) inspire people to buy into and act on the vision presented by the leader.
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